Alhamdulillah, studying PhD Program at Central Queensland University Australia is my activity currently. 

A million of thanks to my beloved family, collegues, and  STAIN Madina and IAIN Batusangkar who have supported me till now.

Special remark to PMU MoRA Republic of Indonesia that has sponsored my Doctoral degree at CQUniversity Australia. 

Hopefully Allah SWT always provides us mercifull and blessness .   Aamiin ya Robbal'alamin. heart

NIDN 2023108601
Nama Elvina Gusman, M.Pd

Riwayat Pendidikan

No Jenjang Jurusan Institusi Tahun Tamat
1 SD SD 03 Rambatan 1993
2 SLTP MTsN Batusangkar 1999
3 SLTA IPS SMAN 1 Batusangkar 2003
4 S1 Tadris Bahasa Inggris STAIN Batusangkar 2005
5 S2 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris UNP Padang 2014
6 S3 English Education Central Queensland University Australia 2024